I just watched the movie
How to Live Forever & enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Now, I should admit that I'm not a person who thinks a lot about immortality or life extending elixirs all that often. Death has always seemed comfortably far off, a nice distance on the horizon but not something I need to bother myself with on a day to day ba
sis. Someday it'll be here but why bother with worrying about it now?
Anyway, the movie was a lot more entertaining & enlightening than I'd feared. Living forever may be impossible, but the various routes to a long, fulfilling life are encouraging rather than laborious, enjoyable rather than drudgery. Actually, as I just said goodbye to my 31st birthday & firmly entered my early 30s (mid-adulthood, non-youth, the age when you start getting all excited when carded at the liquor
or store restaurant on the rare occasions work & family allow for such things...) it's a real joy to see the variety & joy available ahead. Botox, shmotox, someday I'm getting into kite building!
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