Monday, May 30, 2011

hector david jr

hector david jr. hector david jr. ethnicity
  • hector david jr. ethnicity

  • asdf542
    Apr 29, 02:35 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (

    Hmm, a lot of new white UI elements(this and Quick Look). I wouldn't be surprised if Apple started offering Macs with a white bezel option.

    hector david jr. hector david jr. ethnicity
  • hector david jr. ethnicity

  • rjohnstone
    May 4, 11:52 AM
    In my opinion, and that of Websters dictionary, I have an unlimited data plan, therefor I already do pay for it.

    Oh if only I had the dough, I would sue AT&T into the ground. A decent lawyer and fair judge would find against AT&T for the use of the word unlimited and their unfair anti-consumer practices that have followed.

    AT&T can do whatever it wants, but it NEVER should have used the word unlimited, because theyve opened themselves up for failure in a future lawsuit. Someone will do it.
    Wrong... and this is why no "good" lawyer would take your case.
    You have unlimited access to data using the approved device and methods agreed to in the contract.
    Discussion over, case dismissed.

    hector david jr. hector david jr shirtless,
  • hector david jr shirtless,

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 8, 01:08 PM
    It's still pretty ******.

    If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.

    I walked into Best Buy to buy a PS3 with Metal Gear Solid a few years ago when that was the "bundle of the month". The guy said he had one but couldn't sell it without a PSP.

    He hadn't even finished his sentence that I was sitting in my car driving away.

    No need to get emotional, they don't want my money, they don't get it. I bought it at Toys R' Us instead. I still shop at Best Buy to this day if they have what I want and will sell it to me. If they don't, no harm done, I walk away.

    Apple should dump BB base on their "search" practice alone. If you go to BB and search for iPad, BB doesn't show iPad. It shows the options to select iPad or many other tablets. If you search "Sony LCD", you will get "Sony LCD' and not other brands.:rolleyes:

    Yeah, how evil of them! Showing a page where you can either get the "iPad! The one and only! or some of these other tablet thingies no one cares about". I actually thought the opposite, that page was a major case of "sucking up to Apple".

    hector david jr. Hector David,Jr. My New
  • Hector David,Jr. My New

  • sevimli
    May 3, 09:33 PM
    Well done apple! :apple:

    hector david jr. Hector david jr shirtless
  • Hector david jr shirtless

  • dubels
    Apr 12, 03:22 AM
    Sitting pretty high up. It is going to be my first home game and playoff game. Sad since I am from the Bay Area. I watched them a lot during my undergrad at Staples Center when they played the Kings. I hope its going to be a nice experience.

    Lucky you-when u sitting ?(I live in SF and have been to many playoff games)

    and be sure to go here and gloat with me!

    hector david jr. Hector David, Jr. pose
  • Hector David, Jr. pose

  • motherduce
    Jan 9, 01:33 PM
    And don't ever do that again! :eek: :D :mad:

    What was that link? I'm waiting patiently, but if YouTube has it...

    hector david jr. Hector David Jr. (Mike,
  • Hector David Jr. (Mike,

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:51 AM
    That's 7pm here in the UK... Just when I get home from work! :)

    Are any sites offering live feeds, etc?

    6 (SIX) PM UK time :)

    hector david jr. hector david jr. ethnicity
  • hector david jr. ethnicity

  • lostontheisland
    Apr 5, 04:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe what the world really needs is a 3 hour Zoomba infomercial app. Or an app extolling the benefits of the snuggie. And the excuse 'hey dude, I work in advertising' is not a good reason to criticise people who see this app for what it is, a pile of s***. If you work in advertising, the best thing you could do is make a note of the fact that everyone who DOESN'T work in advertising thinks this is a pile of s*** and modify your advertising strategy accordingly.

    It's like people at burger king reacting to the fact that everyone hates burger king by saying 'these burgers are useful to me, because I work at burger king'

    But clearly, anyone who claims they may find the iAd Gallery App useful is instantly labeled a 'Moron', tarred, feathered and burned at the stake. Apparently you seem to have extensive knowledge of what everyone else thinks. Have you taken a survey of EVERYONE who DOESN'T work in advertising to confirm your assessment that the iAd App is a 'Pile of Sh**'? Add to that, your Burger King analogy is invalid because you can't possibly claim that EVERYONE hates Burger King. The only claim you could possibly make from any of this is that the majority of MacRumors forum members commenting on this post are grossly mis-informed and incredibly immature.

    better than being angry over someone elses opinion.

    hector david jr. hector david jr wikipedia,
  • hector david jr wikipedia,

  • partyBoy
    Apr 7, 08:51 PM
    - New faucets for bathroom & kitchen
    - 2 tickets for "Insidious" yourself a favor, go and watch it... I havent been scared like that since is scary as hell :eek:

    hector david jr. hector david jr wikipedia,
  • hector david jr wikipedia,

  • macenforcer
    Oct 10, 10:49 PM
    The wireless will be used to buy music right from itunes. I can't wait.

    hector david jr. Power Ranger Boy:
  • Power Ranger Boy:

  • logandzwon
    Apr 18, 02:00 PM
    It looks like the only way M$ is "catching up" is by copying technologies with which we are already familiar. As Bertrand Serlet suggested, maybe M$ really DID start up their photocopiers :D

    I saw a video on YouTube entitled "The Real Windows Vista (", in which the audio from a (series of) M$ lecture(s) was combined with video showing a Mac user demonstrating the then-unreleased features of Vista on a Mac. It was originally in three parts, and at the end of each part the specific technologies mentioned were identified, as well as the year in which they were introduced. It appears also that, as Mr. Serlet also mentioned, "if you can't innovate, you must imitate, but it's never quite the same."

    Heh, I've seen that video it's classic. However, if you were to say fair-is-fair, MS publicly announced their road map for what became Vista before XP even came out. Apple KNEW what MS was working on. No body knew what Apple was working on.

    hector david jr. Hector+david+jr+pictures
  • Hector+david+jr+pictures

  • tsadi
    May 3, 09:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Anyone know what's the app being used in the "to a CEO" part?

    hector david jr. does have Hector+david+jr
  • does have Hector+david+jr

  • kdarling
    Jul 21, 09:14 AM
    They really seem to believe that everyone is naive.

    As Apple themselves have pointed out, the number of displayed bars on a phone is often not very meaningful.

    What's important, is how much dBm change occurs and especially whether or not the connection drops.

    hector david jr. Hector David Jr. Green
  • Hector David Jr. Green

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 04:20 PM
    The fact is that while there are a select few of us (don't kid yourselves, the people who post on this forum represent a tiny fraction of Apple's customer base, albeit a loud fraction) that know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, the VAST majority of users and customers neither know nor care. And to be perfectly honest, the speed difference in 99% of the things people use their computers for are unnoticeable. Try it for yourself. Web pages load at the same speed, email is sent at the same speed, and IM's come and go with the same frequency.

    While I agree with some parts of your statement, I disagree with this paragraph.

    The MBP is a Pro machine. I'd be willing to be that most of Apple's pro user-base does know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo.

    As for your comment about speed of a basic user's appications - Safari, AIM, Word, Solitaire - you're right. But you're assuming a basic user would buy an MBP. A Pro user would presumably use these things along with others, like Logic Audio, Final Cut, etc.

    And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.

    I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community, all of which are releasing C2D computers, whether their users know/don't know or need/don't need it. Apple doesn't play psychological games like that with their users.


    hector david jr. Hector david jr shirtless
  • Hector david jr shirtless

  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 09:35 PM
    well it's not looking very good. it should have posted a bigadv unit by now. and my number of gpu units are looking lower - which means that something crashed. man it only had 12 hours left on the bigadv unit when i left, and now nothing. it was folding way at around 34:30 per frame inside a VM.

    Bummer :( that's aggravating...

    hector david jr. hector david jr shirtless,
  • hector david jr shirtless,

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 15, 07:31 PM
    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    The record companies might not like the deal they struck with Apple but I bet they like the fact that they got that money still coming in. In this day and age were almost everyone pirates there music at least with iTunes some people are still buying music. Some money is better than no money.

    Amazon on it cloud stuff just said F-You to the record company and Amazon has enough sells like Apple iTMS that they can force the music company to bend over and take it.

    Without getting licensing in place before launch I can see this bitting Amazon in the ass just like what happen to Google with the Google TV. No wonder why Apple is still talking to record companies.

    hector david jr. Hector David Jr, Alex Hartman
  • Hector David Jr, Alex Hartman

  • suwandy
    Oct 4, 12:14 AM
    I'll shoot you for mentioning PowerBook G5! :D

    I'm hoping for MBP update before MacWorld!

    hector david jr. Hector David Jr. in quot;#1
  • Hector David Jr. in quot;#1

  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Apr 7, 11:21 PM
    Photo of approx. 48 packets of Red Bull.

    Oddly enough, just looking at the photo of the approximately 48 packets of Red Bull energy drinks is giving me a crazy thought.... :o I can't help but wonder what would happen if a person drank every packet of those Red Bull energy drinks in that photo in one go! :confused: :eek: :p :D

    hector david jr. Hector David,Jr. My New
  • Hector David,Jr. My New

  • Consultant
    May 3, 04:24 PM
    So much for the freedom of being open :rolleyes:

    - carriers adding crapware by default
    - carriers blocking certain apps
    - carriers preventing you from updating to the latest OS (or if you are lucky only delay it for a long time)
    - android was the only mobile platform where the remote wipe had to be used once for 'bad' apps

    .... yep, way to go Android - open is good (for carriers, not the user) :D

    Exactly. They are not smart enough to realize it's 'open' to the carriers, not the end users.

    Oh, and that Google is tracking them in almost real time.

    Nov 16, 10:51 AM
    Perhaps but they are not competing right now on either products or road maps.

    You don't change vendor like the wind blows.

    IBM and Motorola? :)

    It's nice for Apple to have the bargaining chip when dealing with Intel. I agree they're unlikely to follow up on it (if there's any substance at all....which is seriously doubt).

    Oct 29, 10:42 AM
    [QUOTE=eric_n_dfw;2992297]I'd love to be able to legally install OS X on a Dell or build-it-myself PC, even it it wasn't $0, but Apple would tank in no time as they make the lion's share of their money selling hardware. Especially when Dell's can sell this cheap: Is one MacBook Pro C2D worth two Dells? (

    That's IF you jump through hoops, IF you find the discount coupon, and IF Dell honors it. You WILL get an inferior machine in every way to Apple's offerings. If you simply call up Dell and order a machine, you won't get that price.

    Trust me, I do this for a living - you don't put Dell and quality in the same page, let alone sentence.

    That being said, Apple would do fine on software sales. Especially if they significantly upped their software sales. At least 1 OEM has said they would love to ditch Windows at the first sight of a capable OS. OS X is that OS. All Apple would have to do is shift from a primarily hardware company to an iPod/hardware and software co.

    If Apple were to follow Microsoft's lead on a similar problem, virtualization installations of Vista, Apple would simply charge $150-200 EXTRA for OSX on Commodity PCs.

    The backlash to Microsoft has been notable and you cannot even widely buy the software yet. I wonder how it would impact the relatively untarnished image of Apple?


    Sep 12, 03:05 AM
    i must be truly sad..

    i had dreams of ipods and apple store online with new products.. and then i couldn't remember my credit card details.. ahhhh.. it was strange..

    i swear, if this whole event flops... i'm gonna throw all of my apple gear out!! lol..

    there's so much hype.. the press is all over it today.. got it on bbc news, sky news reports.. IN YOUR FACE everywhere you go..

    Apr 25, 03:20 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.


    Apr 7, 03:04 PM
    Just collected this...

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